Monday, April 6, 2009

Buckingham County Stinson Patriots

Revolutionary War Image

On page 11 of my book, "So Obscure A Person,” I transcribed a petition that was signed in 1785, during the era of the American Revolution, by the STINSONs of Buckingham County. I mentioned another similar petition, pictured above, from Buckingham County, Virginia, on pages 77, 78 of "So Obscure A Person.” Copies of both original petitions are available on-line at the Collection of the Library of Congress. There is much more information as to the relationship between these Virginia petitions and the quest for freedom that birthed a new nation, the United States of America, at the Library of Congress site. I have written more about this petition and the people who signed it at "Patriots of Buckingham County."

Following is a transcript of the 1780 document that was made by Ginger Adams and Edna Barney:
To the Hon’ble the General Assembly of Virginia

The Memorial of the inhabitants of the County of Buckingham Representeth. That they conceived it to be a Fundamental principle of Government that, protection and Allegiance are reciprocal and that however policy and Humanity may induce a Legislator, to yield the protection of the Laws to men who refuse to give some proof of their allegiance to the State, yet Your Memorialists conceive it to be unwise to suffer them to injoy the same Privileges with those Citizens who have given every proof of their attachment which has been required of them. The Exercise of any of the learned pro- fessions gives their Professors an influence which improperly apply’d may prove dangerous to the State. It has been urged in defense of the Indulgences Granted to Nonjurors within their State; that the Test Oath is no proof of Attachment. It is true that the Test Oath may have been taken by artful men as a Cloak for the most infamous designs; but a true Whig can never refuse to take it as it only binds him to do that which his own principles would Naturally lead him to do. Your Memorialists with pain see men professed Enemies to the State, permitted to exercise the holy Function of Preachers of the Gospel; as they apprehend that the influence which that sacred Character gives to its possessor will prove dangerous to the Liberty of the Commonwealth. Your Memorialists actuated by the foregoing Considerations Pray, that proper Laws may pass to Silence all Nonjuring Preachers of every Denomination be deprived of their benefices such as have them; to prohibit such men who refuse to give proof of their attachment to the present Government from the Exercise of either the professions of Law or Physic, and to Levy double taxes upon all Nonjurors, as your Memorialists conceive it to be just, that those who are exempted from rendering personal service as Soldiers: should yield a Larger proportion of their Wealth; their property enjoying the protection of the Laws, Equally with that of the Rest of the Citizens.

E__. ___ Stinson
James Asley
John Wilson
Matthias Ayers
John Tayler
Thomas Word
George Carter
George Stinson
Boaz Ford
Wm. Wadmore
David Stinson
John Moseley
Saml Allen
William Walker
Jesse Johns
William Low
Cheatham Puck
Cary Stinson
Archibald _____
George _____
John Welsh
Anthony Deboll
Michael Jones
Joseph Bondurant Sen
Thed. _____
Wilson Brown
Wm. Perkins Junr
_____ Jeffress
_____ _____
_____ Agee
Thomas Kitchen
Wm Curd
John Drew

The image, Petition of 7 December 1780, is subject to copyright by barneykin. It is posted here with permission via the Flickr API by barneykin.

Friday, April 3, 2009

William Stimpson of 1703

In Stafford County, Virginia Liber Book Z 1699-1709, pages 222, 223, is a gift deed of livestock dated 19 March 1703: "MARY STIMPSON do by this present do give to WILLIAM STIMPSON son in law to me the aforesaid MARY STIMPSON ..." I found this at Stafford County Courthouse where the book is still extant.

A WILLIAM STINSON of Stafford County, is cited 1699/1700, on page 3, of "So Obscure A Person.”